Thursday, 19 January 2012


Not sure that I will ever get my had around ed studies not sure where to start. Just so unsure what I need to know and what is irrelevant for the exam! Now this afternoon we start to talk about our professional project please leave me to get my head around exam first!

1 comment:

  1. I see the post titles are back. :-)

    You sound like you are trying a strategic approach - you want to concentrate on the relevant bits, by which I assume you mean the bits that will be in the exam. It's a strategy that can let you down, especially when you feel (as you do) that you don't know where to start.

    Try starting therefore with what's fun! What part of the input did you enjoy the most? Or what part sticks in your memory? Or what part got you most annoyed because you disagreed with it? There's got to be at least one part that was memorable for some reason or another. Start there. Read the appropriate section in the course texts and chase up the references. Once you get started and begin to follow a thread, it becomes easier to keep pushing, exploring further and branching out to the related areas. To quote a well known hobbit, "It's the job that's never started takes longest to finish".
